Thursday, June 30, 2011

Halloween Decorating Ideas For Your Halloween Party

Mini Ghosts

To make these cut little ghosts that look great strung through trees and bushes outside or in a mobile, cut pieces of white fabric into squares, whatever size you like. To make the mini-ghosts, cut them about 5 or 6 inches square.

Separately, make a ball out of tissues, pantyhose or batting and put this in the center of the square of fabric. Wrap the ball with the fabric and tie it off with string under the ball, which makes the ghost's head. You can use black marker to draw a face or eyes on the little ghosts.

Then you want to thread these ghosts together on some fishing line. Thread a needle with the fishing line and thread the ghosts onto the line. After each ghost tie a knot. Space the ghosts out by a few inches.

These are great for hanging up just about anywhere and they make a great Halloween decorating idea for parties.

Another good Halloween decorating idea is:

Creepy Candles

Dark-coloured candles work well, or even Halloween-coloured ones in orange and black.

To make these look 'creepy' you could use many trinkets to embellish them such as beads, candy corn, or even the fake cobwebs you can get at some dollar stores. You will also find many other neat little things at the dollar stores you can use to embellish the candles. You may find cats, witches, bats, little cut-outs or stickers. There is really no limit to the many different decorating ideas you could do.

Using ordinary white school glue, glue these items to the candles. For the smaller items you may need to use tweezers.

When you're done, be sure they are completely dry before you set them out. If you plan to use the candles, be sure to keep an eye on them so they don't burn so low as to burn the items you've glued on.

Place them everywhere if you're having a party and even outside the door if you are handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters.

You haven't seen any cute baby Halloween costumes cuter than the monkey costumes you will find here at Cute videos and some great Halloween tips too.

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Scary Halloween Decorations and Unique Gift Ideas

These special scary items will make your Halloween more fun. You can choose them to be the decoration as well as gifts to your friends. People will absolutely scared and happy with these unique products specially created for Halloween.

Horror Movie Shower Curtain and Bath Mat

Can you believe that your bath room had been a murder scene? The bloodstained evidence was left on your white bath mat and curtain. With this horror scene, everyone will be shocked when entering your bath room. But it's cool in Halloween festival, isn't it?

Zombie Head Cookie Jar

This is a perfect Halloween decoration as well as a great gift idea. It's a zombie's head jar that full of lovely cookies which looks like you what you eat is the zombie's brain. I think most children would love this special jar.

Gift Box Active Bloody Hand

If you want to try something more stimulating of your gift, a box of active bloody hand could do this. But you must make sure you can deal with any condition when the receiver opens the box. And also the one who doesn't have heart disease.

Ominous Visitor Shower Curtain

Install such kind of shower curtain in your bath room will create a lot of fun. It seems that always there's someone in your bath room preparing to kill you. I guess it could have great effect on your friends in the Halloween night.

Garden Zombie

If you hold a Halloween party in your garden, a few garden zombies will be perfect decoration. In the evening, you can add some light near the zombies which can absolutely scare your friends when they see them.

Sexy Halloween Costume

Have no ideas of dresses in the coming Halloween parties? Can you imagine sexy lingerie costumes appear in the parties? Sexy Halloween costumes provided online are crafted with special attention to details and quality, ensuring you to be the eye point of the parties. is your reliable online supplier of Halloween sexy lingerie costumes, where you can select a wide range of sexy lingeries in good quality and competitive price.

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Scary Halloween Party Ideas For an Eerie Event

Scary Halloween party ideas can sometimes be a challenging feat. The reason for this is that people are no longer scared or surprised by the things that they used to be. So much on television has reduced our sensitivity that many people will tell you that nothing surprises them and they are telling you the norm.

Aside from the usual set up of Halloween costumes, candles and dark hallways or rooms that exhibit a stuffed person hanging from the ceiling in the attempt to make a dungeon scene, what can you do to make a different and scary Halloween party? It's important to remember that scaring everyone at once is rather a difficult bit of work; however, scare one person at a time and you can change the atmosphere in a room or at a gathering by putting people on edge.

If you want to spend the time and the effort, you can set up some interesting things but you don't want people to think that "the game is afoot". You might get everyone off guard by saying you wanted a party, but just didn't have the time to decorate like you wanted. Or, you may have your party before Halloween or after so people aren't expecting anything. Then, you need to go to work making it all happen. Soliciting the help of a few friends can sometimes be very helpful, but don't make it to many.

Scary Halloween party ideas include having a séance, where you can rig the table or a disc that has music on it. Bring a cold draft into the room. Have the lights blink, dim or the power shut off for a few minutes. Turn it back on before someone investigates and finds human interference. The sudden scent of incense or cigarette tobacco, particularly in the house of a true non-smoking fanatic can make any body a believer because it goes against everything they know about you. The people that you have chosen to help you can show subtle shifts in character or look scared or promote the idea that something has been heard or seen, but it must be subtle. Movements that are picked up by the peripheral vision, but aren't happening when one looks directly at it can work wonderfully. Odd noises from the outside of the house work well. Use the help of a neighbor or teenage children that are not expected at the party.

For more Scary Halloween party ideas and theme party plans, visit for tons of popular theme party ideas, including decoration, costume, game, and party drink ideas, as well as printable invitations.

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Halloween Decorating Ideas - Vintage Halloween Decoration Ideas Inspired by the 1940's

Here are some ideas for Halloween decorations that can be used indoors or outdoors. Decorations like these were popular in the 1940's and many are still common-place today.

A traditional and easily prepared outdoor decoration is made of autumn leaves (real or fake) with corn stalks from your local farmer and lit Jack o'lanterns around the base. The corn stalks can be attached to a porch support beam, a light pole or a shepherds hook that held the summer's flowers.

Another traditional Halloween decoration is the Jack o' lanterns. Put them in groups, line them up on a fence, porch railing, along a walkway or along a driveway. Candles, dishes of alcohol and salt were popular on Hallowe'en. Add blue Christmas lights to give a ghostly illumination.

Free hand silhouettes/cuttings of black and/or orange construction paper hung on the windows and walls make for a neat effect. Some items to draw include witches, pumpkins, cats, bats, elves, fairies, spiders, owls, cauldrons, broomsticks or peaked hats. Search the internet for figures you can print and trace. You can also create unique lamp shades for your Halloween party. Use stiff orange and black paper cut out like Jack-o'-lanterns, witches, cats and other popular Halloween symbols.

Popular decorations were created from various fruits and vegetables. Apples, turnips and carrots can be cut into grotesque faces and displayed as is or used to hold candlesticks. You can also create Halloween goblins from the fruit and vegetables. Use Jack o'lanterns for the heads. The body is a smaller pumpkin and carrots are used for arms and legs which are fastened to the body with wire.

What would Halloween be without ghosts? Use a Jack o'lantern for the head which is attached to an upright post. Drape a white sheet or tablecloth from the post. You can then pin/stake the ends of the sheet out a few feet or just allow the sheet to blow in the wind.

Whatever your taste in Halloween decorating is, you may find that some of these vintage halloween decorating ideas may be ideal for your own haunted home this Halloween.

Beth is a fan of everything Vintage Halloween. She maintains the Vintage Halloween Ideas web site where she shares nifty Halloween ideas from the 1890's to the 1960's - including Dennison's Bogie Books. Halloween Party Ideas, Invitation wording, decoration ideas and more.

Visit the site to get excerpts from 2 Dennison's Bogie Books for FREE!

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Princess Tiana Party Ideas - How To Plan An Unforgettable Party For Your Little Girl!

Millions have fallen in love with the Princess Tiana from Disney's The Princess and The Frog for her bubbly personality and determination to succeed in life. She knows that a little bit of hard work and determination always triumphs in the end. And little girls look up to her character as someone they want to be just like, so nothing would please her more than having a Princess Tiana-themed party. Two separate occasions when a Princess Tiana party would be appropriate include birthday parties as well as Halloween celebrations. Here are some ideas for planning your Princess Tiana party:

Birthday Parties

Children's birthday parties can be challenging to plan, especially for a first-timer. You definitely want your little girl's special day to be a joyous occasion that she and her friends will remember for years to come. And it may be a great idea to start planning sooner rather than later. In other words, give yourself at least one month in order to make sure that you have all of the essential elements necessary to pull off an incredible party.

Princess Tiana party supplies can be difficult to find in a pinch so make sure that you order exactly what you need in advance. You will need birthday invitations to send out at least one month in advance. Make sure to distribute invitations to all of her friends in school, church, or in any extracurricular activities she participates in on a regular basis. Since it is your little girl's special day, make sure she makes her grand entrance dressed as beautiful Princess Tiana.

Birthday cake is a must for any little girl's party. Store bought cake is a good choice but if your daughter prefers homemade, you can always use Princess and the Frog themed cake toppers to match the overall decor.  Another idea is to draw inspiration from Tiana herself in the movie. Have your birthday party guests play restauranteur and let them decorate their own individual cupcakes. Enter the cupcakes into a judging competition headed by your own little princess and the most creative cupcake win a prize. Another game idea is to draw some inspiration from the rich tradition of New Orleans by playing jazz music from the movie soundtrack during games like musical chairs.

Decorative streamers, tablecloths, and decorative party plates are a must, so invest in these items as well to complete the overall themed decor. Try your local stores for Princess Tiana party sets, which include all of the aforementioned items in one package, but in the event that these are unavailable in your area, you can find them online at retailers such as Birthday Express.

Halloween Parties

Halloween is another holiday celebration where parties are in order. Many families have opted to have indoors Halloween parties with friends rather than allow their child to go trick-or-treating in lieu of potential dangers. With a Halloween party, your daughter can still wear her Princess Tiana costume and have fun with her friends in style.

You may be hard-pressed to find Halloween party invitations with the Disney Princess theme, but you can always be inventive and create your own. You can have each guest arrive in their Halloween costumes - with your daughter front and center dressed as Princess Tiana. To keep your party guests occupied, have them complete coloring pages or word searches. And rather than trick or treat from door to door, how about having the kids take turns trying to break open a frog pinata filled with candy? They can stuff as much candy as they can fit into their treat bags and take them home to assess all of their loot, as is part of the fun of every kids' Halloween.

Whether you're celebrating a birthday or Halloween, a Princess Tiana costume is definitely appropriate, and with a little bit of creativity you can plan a memorable event full of laughter and cheer. And don't forget the camcorder to capture your little girl reigning in royal court as Princess Tiana on her special day.

Your daughter is fit to be a princess! Please visit our website to find ideas on how to throw the perfect Princess Tiana party and information on where to find Princess Tiana costumes for kids and adults, party planning tips, supplies, and more!

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Halloween Party Ideas

Are you planning to throw your very own Halloween party this November? Or are you helping out a friend or a neighbor for their Halloween party planning and other relevant needs? Efficient planning is vital to the success of your party. So, you may want to have a check list on hand to not overlook important matters regarding your preparations. Here are some Halloween party ideas that you can look into and you may find these very useful for your planning.

If you are planning a kids' party, it is important to prepare games for them. Games will make the party lively and not bore your guests. You can have games like who can eat the most number of gummy worms in 30 seconds or who can drink three glasses of tomato juice with the least time. You can even organize a treasure hunt. Hide all the clues around your house before everyone gets in the party so that you can take your time putting them partly hidden in your Halloween decorations. Other activities like face painting and making crafts or origami can also be prepared to make the kids busy.

One of the most popular among several Halloween party ideas is having your own Halloween costume contest for your guests and hand in prizes for the chosen winners. Aside from that, you can also have a game called "who's the scariest of them all", wherein you ask them to make the scariest face or pose they know and you take a photograph of it. After everyone has been photographed, you post all the pictures in wall and ask them to cast their votes in a piece of paper. After the party, you can proclaim the winners and hand on prizes. You can announce that the contest will be done every year so that each child can prepare for next year and they will all look forward to attending your party again.

For other crafts, you can prepare a "decorate your own Halloween cupcakes" activity. All you have to do is arrange edible materials that they will use as decorations. Buy some gummy worms, red candies and black candies, red and black icings and other stuff that are creepy to look at but very edible.

Among some of the Halloween party ideas that you may want to consider is letting the kids make the scariest dessert for the Halloween. With this activity, they can be very imaginative and creative. Provide them with fruits, candies, chocolates, melted dark chocolate, chocolate syrup, popsicle sticks, paper plates and icings.

Want to find out more about Halloween Party Ideas, then visit Jitske Memoli's site on how to create a memolio album in a matter of minutes as one of the good ways to make Halloween Photos.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

These Are the Top 10 Halloween Party Ideas For Families and Children of All Ages

Planning a Halloween party for your family and friends is a fun thing to do. Whether you will be hosting adults, children, or a mix of both, a Halloween party is the fun and exciting party for everyone to attend.

Halloween Parties take a bit of planning and I have seen fit to cover all bases and make it the event of the year, with some great ideas to get you started:

First Step - Deciding on a budget for your party and working out who you are going to cater for is the first step, weather it is going to a Children Party, Adult or both.

Second Step - Using your imagination and creating some spooky foods is on the agenda, children are easy to cater for and for the adults some creepy canapes are just what the party needs.

Third Step - Beverages are also easy, as a slimy punch made out of lemonade, sugar, meringue powder, and seltzer water. To this add some green food coloring and stir. The mix will be slimy and frothy and some Creepy Cocktails for the adults won't go astray either.

Forth Step - Dry ice to beverages is also a fun way to spook things up a bit. This will give them a foggy effect which is just as appealing to Adults as it is to Children.

Fifth Step - Decorating for Halloween is also fun. Form Styrofoam cut outs you can make tombstones in the yard and even hang lanterns, skeletons and ghosts in your trees. Spider Webs can be put through the inside of your home, with spiders, creepy decorations a coffin here and there.

Sixth Step - Lighting is also an important consideration for the night, dimly lit but bright enough so your guests can see without tripping over each other, with a fog machine or cauldrons with dry ice creating that misty effect along the floor.

Seventh Step - All important Music is a must for a fun Halloween party. There is heaps of suitable music for Halloween, Thriller, Monster Mash, Welcome to my Nightmare, go wild and get some great party tracks.

Eighth Step - Game s for Halloween are always a hit for any party for that matter. A fun game for adults is charades using scary movies and themes. For children, bobbing for apples can be fun if the weather and space allow for it. Also, contests for the best Halloween Costumes always go over well. (Mention the Games and the Prizes on your invitations).

Ninth Step - Writing secret messages on your drinking glasses is a clever way to blow your guests away. How you do this, is by taking a mixture of dish soap and water and write messages with it, using your finger, on the outside of some drinking glasses. Once you are finished place them in the freezer to frost over. As your guests drink, and the glasses warm, your messages will magically appear. Your guests will be amazed at and talk about this ghostly phenomenon for a long time after wards.

Step 10 - Jumping online is one of the best ways to research Halloween Party Idea's. There's plenty to choose from, costume ideas, novelties and complete Halloween theme packs are available and very affordable, so make your Halloween one that everyone there will remember this year.

Brett Alexander is a researcher and writer on products for households such as Halloween Costumes and Party Themes. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of some great Halloween Party idea's and many others, including discounts and best prices at Brett's blog: Halloween Witches Costumes

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6 Halloween Party Ideas

Halloween is coming and so your kids will be wanting to have a big party. If you need some fun Halloween party ideas then take a look below.

Halloween Invitations - I highly suggest you make a big effort with your invites as they can serve to get your guests in the party mood from an early stage. Find some scary characters on the internet and print them off, cut them out and write your invites on the back.

In addition you should also start a Facebook group. This will ensure you have a higher attendance level as all your guests will be able to see exactly who is invited.

Halloween Costumes - There's endless ideas for costumes in fact I'm sure you've seen plenty of them out in the mall. Consider checking out some local fancy dress stores, otherwise you can look on Amazon for some great deals on costumes.

Halloween Party Decorations - Consider some of the following for your decorations:

1. Hang spiders from doorways on string so when your guests enter they get the fright of their life.

2. Get a smoke generating machine to add some mist to your venue.

3. Change all your light bulbs to red, blue or ghastly green.

4. Draw a spider on one or two of your light bulbs to create a terrifying illumination on the wall.

5. Line the path leading up to your house with pumpkins and lanterns.

6. You can buy online plenty of gruesome things like arms, hands, spiders and monsters to place around your venue.

We Have Many More Halloween Party Ideas Including Some Really Cool Halloween Party Decorations Tips To Make Your Party Memorable!

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How To Create Your Own Home Halloween Decorations

Whether to decorate your house or your classroom for Halloween, the best choice of decorations are the ones that you make yourself. Home Halloween decorations are fun to make and are really cost efficient in the long run. The camaraderie shared with your friends and family is priceless while you make home Halloween decorations. It is a creative experience that every child will remember doing. In some households it has become a family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. With just a few materials you can turn your house or classroom into a gruesome, scary, and fun place to have a party or to invite trick or treaters.

The basics of home Halloween decorations are simplicity. Orange and black construction paper is a must. You also need Elmer's glue, scissors, tape, and crayons or magic markers. The best way to start is to start at the top of the room. You can make a boarder to go around all four walls with a paper chain. Simply cut your orange and black construction paper into strips. Curl the strips into a ring and glue or staple them. They must be interlocked and should alternate in color from black to orange. If you really want to get gruesome you can add some blood red construction paper to the chain. To be more creative you can draw symbols of Halloween on each strip to give it more character and depth.

While still working on the top of the room, think of things that dangle from the ceiling. You can make cut outs of the skull and crossbones, witches, black cats, or ghosts from your construction paper to make some great scary figures. The paper is light enough so if there is even the slightest breeze your figures will move with it in a eerie fashion. To make this home Halloween decoration more creative, you may want to create mobiles with the figures by hanging your cut outs on descending sticks hung by fishing line or twine. If you have extra cutouts paste them on whole sheets of construction paper to give it a colorful back ground.

On your snack table, you can play a joke on your guests by decorating with Halloween food. You could glue all the candy corn together in a huge ball so that when a friend tries to take one, the whole glob of candy corn comes up in his hand. Think of eerie foods that you can serve like gummy worms and marshmallow eyeballs. Your can take the paper plates and draw monsters or scary images on them. Put on a scary movie in the background with the sound off. These can give the room an extra feature of the Halloween spirit. You might want to die your curtains orange or another Halloween color and put candles in the windows. From the outside the candle looks nice but from the inside the candle can cast eerie shadows on the curtain creating a cool special effect. The skies the limit with home Halloween decorations and your imagination and creativity will flourish once you get going.

Are you trying to come up with some fun Halloween activities? The Get In Costume website has plenty of other ideas for Halloween fun as well as creative costume ideas for trick-or-treaters of all ages.

Plus, get a free copy of my special report "The Family Guide To Halloween Safety" at

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Choose the Right Scary Halloween Decor For Your Party

Halloween is a wonderful holiday and choosing the best Halloween Decor is a great way to make the holiday even more enjoyable. Whether the decorations are scary, fun and comical or life-like you're sure to find what you're looking for. However, there is so much to choose from it is very difficult to choose exactly what you want. Read on for some ideas.

Halloween Lights

A great and easy way to jazz up your home is by using lights as party of your Halloween setup. These can either be bulb lights that are similar to Christmas lights or blacklights. Regardless of the type you choose you are guaranteed to make your home look just a little more festive and is great for Halloween parties.

Inflatable Decorations

There are some great looking inflatable decorations that you can add to your home this Halloween season. Since they've become more popular over the years they have also become more affordable. Of course this all depends on what kind of inflatable Halloween decor you're looking for.

Scene Setters

A scene setter are pieces of Halloween decor that you can purchase to transform your home into a certain type of scary scene. Things like tombstones, cobwebs, dungeon walls and more are examples of scene setters. Have you ever been through a haunted house or watched a movie that took place at a certain period in history? If you said yes than you're already familiar with scene setters.

Other Decorations

As I stated earlier, there are so many decorations to choose from. Some are unique and obscure, others are traditional. One way to add to your Halloween decor is to take several decorations and create your own scene. You can set black cats or cobwebs on tombstones, place hands on grave plots and make it look like it is rising out of the ground. You can also buy packages of fake spiders and roaches. Have fun with it because that's what Halloween is all about.

The right Halloween decor will make your Halloween party memorable or forgettable. Get ideas for your party at the Halloween decor site!

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Creative Halloween Costumes, Decorations and Party Ideas

Halloween is one of my favorite times of year.  Ever since I was a kid I loved dressing up in Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating.  Now that I'm all grown-up I still enjoy the festivities with my kids and having Halloween parties too.  

It's fun to decorate the house with spooky ghosts and spider webs and pick out the perfect costumes.  Planning a Halloween party with all the autumn foods brings back lots fun memories too.  The weather starts to get cold and you get to make and eat all those fall favorites like caramel apples and pumpkin bread.

I love to see all the creative Halloween decorations that people put in their yards, on their front porches and in their windows all around the neighborhood.  It seems like it's never too early to get your Halloween decorations up.

It's such a joy to see the little ones all dressed up in their favorite superhero costumes or princesses and monsters.  As an adult it is a fun challenge to see how creative you can be with your costume to impress your friends or win the best costume prize at the Halloween party.   You can find lots of great creative costumes ideas for kids.  They have lots of their favorite tv and movie characters as well as superheros and villains.  

Big kids and grown-ups like to get in on the fun too.  You can dress up in creative couples Halloween costumes like Danny and Sandy from Grease or a Gangster and Flapper or Fred and Wilma Flintstone.  There are lots of fun combinations.

The kids love trick-or-treating and of course all that candy.  Now all that sugar might not be the best choice for kids so you may want to try some creative alternatives.  You can give out healthier snacks like individual serving size bags of goldfish crackers or pretzels.  Small toy treats are also a fun choice.  You can purchase those rubber band bracelets that come in all sorts of shapes and colors and give those out as well.   

You also want to make sure that you think about safety.  Halloween can be lots of fun but you want to make sure that everyone stays safe and comfortable.  Having costumes that are warm enough and make it easy for motorist to see you is important for trick-or-treating on a cold dark night.  Carrying a flash light or glow stick or a glow in the dark candy bucket are some good ideas too.

If you would like some more great ideas for Creative Halloween Costumes, Decorations and Party Ideas, check out

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twilight - For Movie, Halloween and Birthday Party Ideas

The Timing is Perfect for Twilight Party Ideas.

With the movie DVD being released soon and with all of us dazzled fans waiting for news about New Moon...the second book in the Saga and the next movie to be made, this is going to be a very popular party theme. The Saga was written by Stephanie Meyer and it has four books in it. The third book is Eclipse and the fourth...and final book is Breaking Dawn. The story covers a couple years in the lives of Edward Cullen...a Vampire, and Bella Swan...his human soul mate. Not only is this Vampire romance Saga a really good read, it gives us lots of reasons to have a Twilight Party!

How Good a Story is It?

I've been in a Twilight Fog since I read the books. I picked the first one up and a week later I put the final novel down, still wishing there were more to read! I think about Edward and Bella most of the time, and every day I have a new favorite character because they are all so likeable! Yes, even Rosalie! It takes awhile, but fans even warm up to Rosalie once they hear her story.

Party Ideas?

Yes, there are so many parties you can use a Twilight party ideas with. The first one that comes to mind is a Movie Party. Since the movie is being released on DVD in March you can be the first one to have a party. Just get some red soda and put some red butter on your popcorn...and maybe drizzle some melted chocolate on it too..and you are set. Movie parties don't require too much prep since the theme is the movie. You can order pizza, serve some drinks and a dessert if you like, it's an easy party to host.

Halloween Parties are Perfect for Twilight Party Ideas...with the whole Vampire thing going on. Why not have a Vampire theme Halloween Bash or A Couples Costume Party? Invite your friends to come dressed as any kind of Vampire or as a famous Vampire Couple. Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, Carlisle and Esme, and of course, Edward and Bella. But there are more couple ideas to think about. The Volturi Vamps from Italy are great for your gory minded friends, you know, the ones who like human blood sucking versions of Vampires, rather than the mild, animal blood drinking ones.

The Volturi couples costumes can use Jane and Alec, Felix and Demetri, Heidi and Aro, or Marcus and Caius as inspirations. Or the Volturi would make a great group costume idea and so would The Cullen Clan. How about going as the human residents of Forks? The werewolves are another couples costume idea. Go as Jacob and Leah or Sam and Emily. Breaking Dawn gives us loads of couple Vampire costume remember all the friends of the Cullen's we were introduced in the final book of the Saga. If you are really into vicious Vampires there's always James and Victoria. There are Life Size stand up cut outs of Bella, Edward, James, Victoria and Laurent to use as decorations that will make an impression. In fact, they might freak some of your party guests out! Twinkle lights have to be part of the decorations or Alice will be so disappointed! Alice, the Cullen Family party planner, just loves to use twinkle lights at all her parties.

Birthdays are Another Great Reason to Use Twilight Party Ideas.

You know your tween or teenager, the one that has read the entire Saga, will just love this party theme and so will all their friends. You can even plan 16th birthday parties around Twilight. There are some very different color schemes you can use. Decorations can use the black and red book covers, or go light with lots of flowers and twinkle lights, like Bella and Edward's wedding reception. Vampires used to be dark and evil, but after reading about the Cullen's you can go with light and bright colors too.

Whatever party theme you use make sure to include some fun games when you're planning your party. Movie parties can always fit in a trivia contest. Make your questions about the movie and the characters. Birthday and Halloween parties can use trivia too...but there's other games you can include like: Twilight Charades, Outburst, A Vampire Dress Up Relay Race, and of course with Halloween, the Costume Contest! Whatever the reason for using Twilight party ideas, you and your friends are sure to have a good time!

Check out for all your party supplies and party ideas! Find more Twilight party ideas at and your Tweens and Teens Will Love them! Ms. Party Ideas can answer all your party questions and enjoys swapping party ideas with you.

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Adult Halloween Party Ideas

Adult Halloween party ideas are a great time to celebrate and have fun just for the sake of a good time. It's an excuse to get dressed up and do something different. Halloween makes a great costume party as well as a great dinner party.

Waldorf salad with walnuts and pomegranate seeds sprinkled on it is out of this world. The rest of the salad should be a variety of apples and grapes. Pumpkin soup is a really nice change for most people, especially when served in little pumpkins cut up for the occasion. Apple pie makes a great desert as well, and it is rare to find someone who dislikes apples. A large pumpkin makes a great soup tureen. Decorate you table with a black cloth and candles of deep fall colors. You can decorate the room in fall apparel very similar to thanksgiving with a bit of kid's Halloween magic mixed in.

Halloween is considered the Celtic New Year and the apple harvest. In ancient times it was thought that the veils between our world and the next became very close and we could connect with our lost loved ones. Having a psychic read the tarot or someone to read palms can be a good source of entertainment, as can a magic show or even hiring a hypnotist; all of which can make a fun filled evening unforgettable.

What you do depends on the size of the party, where you will be having it and what kind of tastes you and your guests have. Just like any other party, adult Halloween party themes are all about having fun and enjoying everyone's company while having a good time.

For more adult Halloween party ideas and theme party plans, visit for tons of popular theme party ideas, including decoration, costume, game, and party drink ideas, as well as printable invitations.

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Discount Halloween Decorations and Costumes

A Halloween festival is one of the most celebrated events and having a fun-filled party needs innovative decorations and imaginative costumes. As we all know, Halloween is depicted as a celebration of something scary, which is why people and children traditionally disguise themselves as ghosts, goblins, witches, vampires and zombies.

However, the celebration of Halloween today is not only about being scary. Some children and adults disguise themselves by wearing something not in accord with traditional Halloween celebrations in the least. They disguise themselves as fireman, superhero characters, fairy tale characters, astronauts, cowboys, Indians or even movie stars.

This allows for many more choices for fun Halloween parties. It does not require it to be scary or creepy. Although you can include some scary stuff which has been basically part of traditional Halloween decorations, you also need to be imaginative in order to have a different and unique approach.

Among the traditional decorations that you need to include are pumpkins, hanged bats, spiders and cobwebs. The best thing about pitching your own designs and ideas in putting up decorations is you can decide the kind of results you want for your Halloween party. You are in total control.

With regards to your creative. Although you can wear the very simple and traditional ghost with white sheet and eye holes, take this opportunity to let your imagination free. It's really not hard to create fun, easy themed costumes. Keep in mind that scary costumes are not always required.

If you plan to purchase accessories such as make up or wigs, but you're on a limited budget for such products, discount Halloween decorations and costumes are available online. One thing good about purchasing online is, it is available all throughout the year and is quite cheap compared to the ones available in stores and malls.

Halloween decorations and costumes are not hard to do when you are putting your ideas and heart into it. You just need a big amount of patience and perseverance in order to achieve the outcome that you desire.

If you do not have the time to shop locally, remember, discount Halloween decorations can be found online...sometimes with free shipping.

Check out discount Halloween costumes and decorations here.

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Spooky Halloween Party Ideas

Are you looking for special Halloween party ideas that will give your guests a very memorable night? The easiest way to design and plan a Halloween party is to come up with a party theme. This makes it easier to chose decorations, and supplies for the party.
Start by making a list of themes that appeal to you, and come up with corresponding Halloween party ideas for each theme. This will give you a better feel for what would be required for each theme idea, costumes, what the cost might be, how much space would be need, and so on.
Here are some fun theme ideas to stimulate your imaginations:
- haunted house
- haunted Victorian mansion
- haunted pirate ship/island
- monsters only party
- alien space ship
Include fun events for each theme. A treasure hunt would be great for a pirate party. Transforming your home into a spooky haunted house, complete with erie music, fog machines, pranks, and gags, works perfectly well for the haunted house theme. Even if you can't manage the whole bit, 1 ghost rigged to fly through the air as party guest approach, or a participant posing as a dead ghoul in a coffin, waiting to spring up and frighten guests, will definitely do the trick.
Give your guests a taste of what is to come with unique party invitations. Your invitations should include: the party's theme, location, directions, contact info, and an R.S.V.P. request.
All the little details truly make a Halloween party fun, exciting, and a memorable. Don't forget your cameras to create party mementos!

Halloween Party Ideas Will Help You Create the Perfect Scary Themed Party For Everyone

Halloween Party Ideas | Creating the perfect Halloween themed party
When fall rolls around, many individuals seek out Halloween party ideas. There are a number of festivities that occur on Halloween. One of the most common festivities is that of a Halloween party. If you are looking for ideas for your next party, this article is sure to be beneficial. This year, you can try out many new ideas and concepts when hosting your party.
This way, you can maximize the potential of fun for all of your guests. In order to appropriately host a memorable party this Halloween, one of the first things that you will need to do is to establish a general theme. The theme is the most important aspect of a successful party. While many may go with a "general" theme, it is best to focus on one particular aspect when choosing the perfect theme for your party.
There are a number of unique themes that you can select from when it comes to Halloween party ideas. You may elect to set up a "haunted house" theme, or your may like the idea of a "fright night" bash. Perhaps you are thinking of more of a "monster mash" theme or a "spooky screams" theme - it is all up to you!
The theme is important because it allows you to center your festivities on a common item. Once you have selected a theme, it is important to consider the decorations that you will use for the festivities. Decorations are especially important when it comes to parties that are held on Halloween. It is essential to set a certain "look and feel" for the guests that will be attending. Once you have devoted some time to your theme, it is now time to consider the menu.
There are many different Halloween party ideas when it comes to the foods and beverages that you will make available for your party. It is important to select items that will compliment your theme, as well as the decorations that you have set up. For example, if you are going with the theme of a haunted house, you may want to create a tombstone cake, or even ghoulish punch.
These foods and beverages can really compliment a theme that surrounds the whole concept of ghosts, ghouls, and other spooky things that may be found in and/or around a haunted house. It may take a little time and consideration, but creating a memorable Halloween party can be a fun and exciting endeavor!

Ideas For Indoor Halloween Decorations

Indoor Halloween decorations can really add some frightening fun to your party at home or office. Halloween is a holiday that many people of all ages enjoy. Because of that, however, you need to choose a theme that's appropriate for the age group of the attendees. If you are entertaining little kids, you don't want the decorations to be too scary or gory. Spooky creatures can appear harmless and funny too. If the party is for teens or adults then you can go with just about anything depending on your taste.
Personally, I really like ghosts and Jack O'Lanterns. Those are a must for me when decorating for my favorite holiday. Wall Halloween decorations can add a chilling flair to any room or office. You can find a large poster of a pumpkin, ghost, or skeleton with movable arms and legs. My little girl likes witches and she has a big poster of a witch stirring her cauldron in her bedroom.
Cobwebs are classic indoor Halloween decorations. My daughter also likes them and has some in her bedroom along with spiders that glow in the dark. These little Halloween ornaments come in the form of other creatures such black cats, bats, vampires, and more.
A while ago decorative lights were used mostly for Christmas. However, today you can also use them as part of your outdoor or indoor Halloween decorations. They usually come in orange or red, and you can also find lights in the shape of various Halloween objects like ghosts and Jack O'Lanterns.
While you can buy fancy indoor Halloween decorations in large department stores, you don't have to spend a lot of money on them if you are on a tight budget. You can make some yourself. It just takes a little imagination and creativity. If you have kids, you can make it a fun Halloween craft project. Like one time my daughter and I made our own little ghost. First we made a ball out of paper, then we placed it inside an old white pillow case and tied a string around it. Next we shredded the bottom part to create the raggedy and spooky look, and drew a scary face. Finally, we cut a hole above the head and inserted a string for hanging.
Those are just a few ideas for some indoor Halloween decorations. You can come up with more of your own. Just browse the stores for some fun Halloween craft ideas. If you find something that appeals to you, see if you can create something similar yourself or with your children for less than half of the price. Whatever you do, make this Halloween a festive one.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Spooky and Frightful Halloween Decorations

Halloween is just round the corner and time is running out for making your plans and arrangements for Halloween decorations. Whether you want to decorate your porch or backyard or your hall where you're planning to set up the Halloween party, you actually do not need to spend a fortune on decorations. You can be little creative and set up a spooky scene with the help of different ornaments specially designed for Halloween, creepy candles and a wide range of eerie centerpieces.
This year however, the expenses on Halloween party decorations and celebrations would be less as compared to previous years due to the economic slowdown. More and more Americans this year would be making use of the Halloween decoration from the last year rather than buy new one. It has been estimated that on an average this year $23.68 would be spent on decorations by the individual household.

For Halloween decoration ideas you can add few spider webs available in the stores on your decorations which will bring a spooky effect to your Halloween.
You may also consider adding a tree in your home or on the yard to bring about a festive mood to the decorations.
To enhance the dilapidated and deserted look to your Halloween decorations, gather some old, torn, tattered and shredded clothes that you can easily buy from stores found during Halloween.
Make use of some eerie door frames to change the look your front door. These frames would add up to the spooky effect to your Halloween decorations.
Get some scarecrows as they augment the scary effect to the Halloween decorations. Put a few on the front porch and backyard as well as some on the hall where you have arranged for the party.
Another great idea would be to place lighted jack-o-lantern all the way on your front porch. You can bring some plastic jack-o-lantern available with the retailers and light them with candles powered by battery.
Hanging Halloween flags and banners that are available at the time of Halloween will make your Halloween spooktacular.
Give more touch of nature to your Halloween decorations by including objects such as haystacks for decorating the outside porch, cornstalks as well as scarecrows filled with straws. Try using more of the autumn colors in your decorations like shades of orange, gold and brown. You may also consider using natural fragrance like vanilla or sandalwood or cinnamon on the candles that you have placed for decorations.

Kids Halloween Party Ideas For a Ghoulish Gathering

Kids Halloween party ideas don't need to be scary in order for kids to have fun. A little bit of spooky goes a long way in making the party a success. Activities can revolve around a masquerade party. Hunting for candy or doing the piñata thing is also fun. Some other ideas that kids like are face painting and hand painting.
Carving Halloween pumpkins is also a traditional practice that is enjoyed by all, though supervision and adult help is always a good idea with this. If you don't want to carve pumpkins, you can simply paint faces on them. You can also paint faces on the little gourds that you find in the grocery stores. They have a bumpy texture to their skin and are narrow at the top and fat at the bottom. This allows for some interesting effects. They look cool with hats put on them and make interesting little heads to decorate a table with. They can also be hung on the wall.
Making ghosts are also fun kids Halloween party ideas. You make the first part with a sock so that you have a sock puppet form and then you drape the material that you will use for the outside of the ghost over top. Make sure that it is long enough to cover down to the elbow, giving a better flowing effect. Candy arcades to replace penny arcades and simple mystery games can be fun for kids, depending on the age group. Talking to your kids and finding out from them what they think would be is always a good idea. After that, let your imagination and creativity flow.

8 Tips For Halloween Decoration

Halloween is a time to throw parties and celebrate the festive season. This is a time for theme parties and for the theme parties the decorations are very important. Here we will discuss some great ideas for Halloween decorations for both outdoors as well as indoors. These traditional decorations date back to the 1940s. One of the easiest and traditional decoration items are autumn leaves which can be real or fake, with corn stalks. One can easily get these corn stalks from the local farmers. Attach Jack o lanterns which are lit. Now attach these corn stalks to porch support beam or a light pole. One can even use shepherd hooks which are usually used to hold the summer flowers.
The most commonly used decoration item is the traditional Jack o lantern. One can arrange them in a line or put them upon porch railings. They can be also decorated along the driveway or the walkway. Some other traditional decoration items like the candles and dishes of alcohol can also be paced with them. To enhance the effect you can even use blue Halloween lights for a ghostly look. You can also cut out free hand shapes from black or orange colored construction papers and hang them on the windows and walls for a spooky effect. You can cut out silhouettes of witches, cats, elves, bats, pumpkins, owls, spiders, cauldrons, peaked hats or broom sticks. You can search the net for more interesting shapes. Take their print out and trace them on these construction papers. You can also make lamp shades out of paper and hang real lights in them.
You can also create decorative items from a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables like apple, carrots and turnips can be cut into monstrous faces and they can be hung from the ceilings or used as a candle stand. Halloween goblins can also be created from these vegetables and fruits. To make the heads one can use the Jack o lantern and for the body one can use a small sized pumpkin to make the body. The hands and the legs can be made from the carrots. The body parts can be attached to each other with the help of wires. Any Halloween party is incomplete without the ghosts. Ghosts can be created by hanging the Jack o lantern from an upright post. The Jack o lantern will be the head. The post can be covered or draped with a white curtain. The sheet can be tucked or just left free to flow in the wind.You can ask all the guests to come dressed up as characters from famous ghost stories to make the environment creepier. One can also draw skulls on paper and cut them out. These can be painted in bright colors that will glow in light. Hang these from the ceilings. These skulls will be moving around the room and will look absolutely spooky.
Give spooky names to the food. The cherry lollipops can be known as Acid Pops or the blood flavored lollypops and the dessert sherbet balls can be transformed into fizzing whiz bees. The cupcakes can be decorated in the form of spider webs. Halloween is known for spooky and creepy parties. These decorative items will set the theme for the party. But there are certain things that must be kept in mind that there are no kids below three years of age who may actually get scared. The party must not be spooky to the extent that it seriously scares people.
Keep it light so that everybody has fun at your party.

Halloween Decoration Supplies Are Essential to Create the Perfect Themed Party

If you are planning on throwing a party this Halloween, there are some essential Halloween decoration supplies that you should not be without! There are a number of decorative items that can really add appeal to your festivities. It is important to remember the overall theme that you want to use when shopping for these items.
If you have a certain color scheme when it comes to the festivities that you are planning, it is important to purchase decorative items that match this scheme. Naturally, the most common Halloween color scheme is orange and black. However, there are some greens, reds, browns, and other colors that can be used. Throughout this article, I will identify some Halloween decoration supplies that you may find particularly useful at your next Halloween party and/or festival.
One of the most basic Halloween decoration supplies are balloons. During the fall, you can find a lot of orange and black balloons. If you want a simple decorative item that will enhance the appearance of your celebrations, balloons are your best choice. There are also many types of plastic and paper napkins, plates, and cups that can enhance the party that you are throwing this fall.
While many would think of these items as necessities, they can also be very decorative - which is what makes them really ideal for a Halloween party. There are also lantern lights that can be purchased especially for Halloween. You can find ones that look like pumpkins, Frankenstein, witches, and more! This can really accessorize the festivities! You can also purchase stand alone sidewalk lights that can really brighten up the party area!
There are also Halloween decorative supplies that can be purchased for the foods that you make. For example, you can get molds that look like hands, brains, and other body parts in which you can make cakes and gelatin from. If you are at a loss when it comes to Halloween decoration supplies, try focusing on creating spooky and fun foods that your guests will indulge in.
They are sure to be a big hit! Many times, decorations are not just about the things you have hanging in and/or around your home. You can decorate the food that you create, or even the beverages that you make available! There are many things that you can do in order to ensure that your home or the other area you plan to have your Halloween party is appealing to your guests!

Great Halloween Baby Shower Party Ideas

Having a baby shower at Halloween can be a great time to combine to fun occasions. A baby shower is a time to help out the mom to be to get the things that she and the baby need as well as a time for friends to get together. If the shower is at Halloween time, you can also include costumes to make the party even more fun. One idea is to have the guests dress up in costumes for the shower. Some ideas are baby bottles, rattles or even to dress up like an actual baby.
When thinking of decorating, you can combine both themes by searching out baby related Halloween decorations. Baby witches, ghosts and cats can be a perfect type of Halloween/baby shower decorations. Instead of baby blue, yellow and green, use orange and black color combination of Halloween.
Playing games at any baby shower is a must. There are ways that you can take the Halloween theme and give it a twist to make it more baby shower flavor. Bobbing for apples is a popular Halloween game but instead of bobbing for apples, bob for pacifiers. Try pinning the diaper on the baby instead pint the tail on the donkey. Now with this one, put up a picture of a baby, do not use a real baby, obviously. Have decorating contests where the guests have to come up with the best Halloween design for a baby tee shirt.
One of the best aspects of having a Halloween themed baby shower is that there is a wider arrange of candies that can be offered to the guests for party favors. Find some small pumpkin shaped containers and use these to put the treats in. These can be found for just a buck or two or you can use gift bags instead.
It is just good etiquette to send out thank you notes for all of the attendees. While they are at the party, give them orange envelopes that they can put their name and address on to make things easier on the new mom. When sending out these thank you notes, use a Halloween themed thank you note with baby themed pictures that keeps within the party theme.
There is no rule that states you cannot combine two parties in this way. The best part about mixing a Halloween and baby shower is that it is a party that few in attendance forget any time soon. Use a combination of baby and Halloween colors, themes and games for a great day for the mom to be.

Halloween Party Ideas For Teenagers - Things You Should Do and Not Do

Halloween is a wonderful time, especially for teenagers. The reason for this is that vampires, werewolves, witches and ghosts are some topics that teenagers really enjoy as they have just realized that these things that they used to be scared of are nothing but fictional characters.
Halloween gives kids a chance to dress up and enjoy the morbid aspects of life without being stopped by their watchful parents. If you have decided to cater to what your teenagers have always been demanding and now have a Halloween party to plan, you are probably confused about what to do and what not to do with it.
In order to figure out the things that should be done and not done, you need to get into the mind of your teenager. The following are certain dos and don'ts in connection with Halloween party ideas for teenagers' parties.

Halloween party ideas for teenagers that you should implement:
1. Costumes:

Regardless of how old your children are, you will need to make the party a Halloween costume party.
2. Decoration:

Decorate the party location with the preference of your children in mind. Use tombstones, artificial cobwebs, made up gore, blood red or jet black sheets, red blood like punch etc.
3. Music:

There are tapes available in the market that contain scary sounds and noises that must not be ignored when you are taking stock of all the Halloween party ideas. Furthermore, there are many songs that will suit the gothic, Halloween theme which can be used.
Halloween party ideas for teenagers that you should avoid:
1. Games:

Games are well and good for kids and sometimes even adults, but for a teenagers' Halloween party you should avoid including games. Teenagers mostly prefer to be left alone and not be bothered by things that others think are good for them.
2. Supervision:

There is a level of supervision that teenagers would accept and you micromanaging their party would not go down well with them regardless of your intention of facilitating their fun time.
3. Time:

Ensure that there is a time limit to the party and that it does not run late into the night. However, this should not be done in a strict or condescending way as teenagers are naturally rebellious and this would bring out the worst in them. Instead, when the closing time approaches, you can tell your children gently and let them handle the closing of the party themselves.
Most parents go overboard with Halloween party ideas for teenagers as they try to be overly helpful or overly protective with their children. Such an attitude will only hinder the fun at the party and keep your children from having a good time on the day of the festival. Still, you can indulge yourself in as much innovation as you wish for the Halloween party, as long as you stay behind the scenes and do not embarrass your child by being the mother hen at every given chance.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ideas For your Spooktacular Halloween Theme Parties

This is the perfect time to chalk out a spooky plan for your Halloween theme party on this 31st October. Parties are always fun and when it comes to theme parties, then, it demands a lot of preparation. Try not to get spooked by lack of preparation.
Halloween theme parties are about apple- bobbing games, costume contests or pumpkin curving challenges. Trick and treats give out the real essence of Halloween theme parties. The party atmosphere must be eerie enough to spook your guests.
The party begins with the preparations. Involve your family and friends and see the magic. Just feel the party before the actual Halloween theme party. Invite all in this season of haunting and go for the right selection of theme, decoration apt for the theme, music, spooky food to make your Halloween theme party ho-rri-fic.
The weekend before Halloween is the right time to send invitations to your near and dear ones. Make all possible arrangements to create an eerie exciting atmosphere for your spooktacular event. Dimmers and wattage light bulbs are widely used for the semi dark effect. Try to give an abundant look to your home and for that you can put up some torn curtains. Cobwebs on your furniture is usually not appreciated but do not try to give your home a clean look before Halloween. Keep all the odd things in odd places. The objective is to make your guests uncomfortable. Never ever try to be a pleasing host in a Halloween theme party. Make yourself more and more scary.
Background music of Halloween theme party is very important. It is the sound that creates the atmosphere. Play eerie sounds of door creaks, screams or uncomfortable suspenseful music. The main attraction of Halloween theme party is the food. Add spooky flavor to the drinks and candies. Colorful ice cubes are good to give the blood curdling effect.
The themes can either be scary costume party or playing hide and seek in the dark. There is no hard and fast rule regarding the themes. Anything odd and scary can be the theme of Halloween theme party. Kids can play an interesting game. They have to identify the adults under the masks. The winners will be rewarded with Halloween spooky flowers.
You just need to have an innovative bend of mind to spook your guests in a new fashion every year. The popular costumes are of witches, ghosts, ghouls or demons. You can make a narrow dark entrance to give the eerie feel to your guests. One can even go for a buffet set up to enhance the decorating impact. But you must set your menu for Halloween party first. Food presentation must be interesting. Food decoration is equally important. Red eyed pumpkins can be made with cherries. Give your food items a grotesque look.
Who would like to miss the chance of playing with horror? So, dress up as scary as you can to give a shock to all in the coming Halloween theme party. Get busy in building witch's den and rock the party with your spooky ideas.

Twilight Halloween Party Ideas

This dusk on October 31 why not host a Twilight Halloween Party! Ideas are so easy to come up with because Halloween and Twilight Party Ideas are perfect together...just like Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. (Do you know another word for "Dusk"?)
Come this October, with everyone awaiting the release of The Twilight Saga's sequel movie, New Moon...this is going to be a very popular Halloween party theme! There are plenty of great party ideas right in the Stephanie Meyer Book Saga for you to incorporate into your celebration...whatever it is for. This Vampire and Human romance movie and book sensation have created a whole new party theme genre. The characters have become Halloween costumes, the meals in the books and movie have become popular...everything about Twilight from cast to characters and A to Z has taken the unsuspecting Tweens and Teens by storm. A Twilight Storm.
I'm sure, by now, most Tween and Teen aged kids have read at least the first of this four book saga. And if they haven't, I'm sure the Halloween Twilight Party Invitation you make and send them will spark their interest in doing just that. They will have to read the books to find a proper costume for this Costume party you are planning. Make sure to write on the invites that it is a Costume wearing get together...this way most of your guests will be sure to dress up as a Cullen, A Volturi, a Forks native or a Quileute. Maybe you will even have a Cullen car costume or two! Make sure you have a costume contest, with prizes for the most inventive costume, the best costume and the silliest costume. Give the winners a Jelly Apple or a Golden Onion!
If anyone asks for a costume idea you can tell them anyone of the Cullen's, Bella, the Volturi, the Quileutes, Werewolves and just simple, everyday people of Forks are all perfect costume ideas. Eric, Mike, Jessica and Angela went surfing in the movie, so give someone a wet suit and surf board costume idea. The more off the wall a costume is, the funnier and more imaginative it is. Have fun with this great party have so much material in the four books and the movie to use.
Bella's Apple Party Favor Idea
You can find inexpensive Twilight bookmarks to use as party favors or give each of your party guests a red Jelly Apple, they are easy to make, and are the perfect fruit to use as a focal point of your party.
Twilight Party Decorations
If you can, get a Vampire cardboard stand up decoration of James, or Laurent or Victoria and hide it in a place where it can "startle" your guests. Some place they will go, but won't be expecting a Nomadic, Blood Lusting Vampire to be. You can also take pictures of everyone with the vicious bloodsuckers. Twinkle lights and Twilight books are all you need to decorate. You can use black and red and white party supplies, you know plates, napkins and cups to set up a buffet table. Put some photos of the Cullen Clan around the room to give it a homey feeling...a vampire home that is. Put magazines with pictures of the movie cast around on tables for a little more mood setting.
Since it is Halloween I would also use some of the regular decorating tricks, like some spider webs, bats, witch fingers and eye ball appetizers. Of course, some Jello hands and there is always the skeleton vegetable tray with dip for some gory, but tasty treats!
Halloween and Twilight Party Game Ideas
My favorite game is Twilight trivia. Let's see who knows more than me...I mean You...about this Vampire Romance by Stephanie Meyer. It's fun to play and it's also fun to make up the questions. Get your best friend, who I am sure is also a little Twilight Crazy, to help you out. You can also take those same questions and answers and turn this little trivia game into a Jeopardy game. Make sure to save the really difficult questions for the daily doubles!
Bingo, Quote the Cullen, or Name that Tune...using none other than songs from the Movie Soundtrack. I can name that tune in three notes...How about a fun game of Charades using the names of the songs from the soundtrack or the characters in the books.
Play some music and be sure to include Stephanie Meyer's favorite group, Muse along with Paramore, Linkin Park and of course, Rob Pattinson in the mix. For you classical music lovers, there is always Debussy, one of Edward's favorites.
Party Food Ideas
I love to have parties, but don't want to work too hard in the I order a lot of pizzas...all different kinds. Be sure to include a mushroom pizza in the mix. Blood red icing on your cupcakes or making the cute, but easy to decorate, Vampire Cupcakes is always a good idea at a Vampire themed party. If you are not using the Jelly Apples for a party favor, put some out on the dessert table for those vegetarian vampires who feel like having something red to curb their blood lust. I even saw little edible cupcake images that you can have printed with the Twilight cast or just Bella and Edward. That's a great idea, isn't it!
Serve a blood red punch with an ice cream floater on top of it and you've got the perfect drink for this party. Use glow ice cubes for a freaky effect or freeze water in rubber gloves (tell everyone just in case there is a latex allergy) and let the frozen hands freak your guests out. I love to do stuff like this! It is little touches like this that your guests will remember and make your party Extra Special!
We see vampires in a new, and a less vicious light thanks to Stephanie Meyer and the Vegetarian Cullen Clan, but it is Halloween and what's a Halloween party without at least one Count Dracula? Not everyone will come in a Cullen or Forks native costume, but it will still make for a fun party, no matter who your guests dress as.
If you own the movie DVD you can play it in the background for music and for your guests viewing pleasure. This is a great party theme no matter if it's for a holiday, movie watching or birthday party. Everyone is sure to get into the fun games and delicious food you've prepared for them and make sure to tell everyone...Happy Halloween from Edward and Bella!

Halloween Dog Party Ideas

Who said Halloween Party's are only for kids? These days it seems like our dogs are more and more a part of our extended family. Why not throw a party for them and some of their 4-legged friends this Halloween or any time throughout the year?
If your planning this for Halloween of course you want to find the perfect costume and there are a variety of them out there to choose from for any personality. This year I'm dressing my dog up in the devil dog costume. He has been going through a phase where he has forgotten all etiquette. For a day I will let him live out the name but just for the day.
Here are some things to think about while planning the day
Pick your day and plan your guest list (Make sure everyone gets along.) Try to keep number of dogs at a minimal to avoid any incidents. Send Out Your Invites addressed to the dog of course with time, location and date. You can hold this party at your own house or if it's not feasible check with any of your local dog parks or doggy daycare centers. They are usually more than happy to oblige because you are bring potential customers to them.
Plan your snacks by visiting any of the multitudes of Dog Bakery's out there or make your own snacks. There are a number of simple recipes online to make your own cookies. Use a bone shaped cookie cutters and decorate how you wish. Many of these bakeries will also bake a theme cake for whatever occasion you're celebrating. Keep in mind that some dogs can be food aggressive so check with the owner before serving any snacks.
Get your decorations & prizes for games, make it fun remember this party is going to the dogs. Plan your decorations & prizes around the theme of your party.
Prepare goodie bags for all the dogs. This is nice to give out as everyone is leaving to remember you by. Some ideas for your bags may include any variety of chew toys, stuffed animals, poop bags, greenies or cookies with the guests name on them.
Make sure you have your area fenced off where you want to keep the dogs contained. Have lots of poop bags on hand as well as plenty of water put out for them to drink. All that playing will work up a thirst. Remember to have an area set aside for time outs if any of the dogs need a break.
What's a party without games? One of my favorites is bobbing for hot dogs. Get a big tub of water and cut hot dogs into chunks and put in the tub. Whoever can get the most hot dogs out of the tub in allotted time wins a prize. Another fun game is to see what dog knows the most commands? This is a great time for the owners as well as the dogs to show their skills. Of course you could setup an agility course if you have the room to do so and create games out of that. How about a game of hide & seek or most dog/owner lookalike contest?
The possibilities are endless! Most important is to make it a fun day for the dogs. The owners will be thrilled when their dog is pooped out at the end of the day!

Halloween Decorating Ideas - Great Tips For Your Halloween Party

Looking for some good Halloween decorating ideas to enhance this year's party? To have a truly ghoulish Halloween party you need so put up some Halloween decorations to help set the mood. People of all ages love getting into the Halloween spirit and these decorations help bring out that spirit in the old and young.
The best place to start when putting out Halloween decorations is with your front yard. This display will be enjoyed by everyone in the neighborhood leading up to all Hallows Eve as well as trick-or-treaters on Halloween and your party attendees. Here are some ideas on how to decorate the outside of your house:
1)      Tombstones/Graveyard - Create tombstones out of wood or Styrofoam. Do this by taking the wood or Styrofoam and painting it gray and writing some names on it as well. You can even include the names of the guests that RSVP'ed to your party and include a whimsical rhyme such as, "Here lies Ted, because a piano fell on his head."
2)      Scarecrow - Stuff some old clothes lying around the house with hay, if you don't have any hay newspaper or even leaves work just as well, so it looks as if someone is wearing them. Attach the clothes to a broomstick or rake that is planted into the ground. Find something round for the head, a pumpkin works well for this, and place a straw hat on top. You could even make this a little scarier by putting fake blood on the scarecrow's clothes or maybe a fake knife in the stomach.
3)      Change your porch light to a blacklight - Blacklights are great for giving off a creepy vibe. This will set the mood for when your guests or trick-or-treaters come to your door and give you a chance to be hiding and give them a good scare. Don't forget to put fluorescent decorations near the blacklight so that they will appear to glow in the dark.
The Halloween decorating ideas do not have to stop with the outside of your house. You can turn the inside of your home into a terrifying haunted house with some of these great ideas.
*      Paper mache ghosts - create ghosts out of paper mache to hang from doorways, curtain rods and light fixtures. This is also a great activity for the kids as they will love to get their hands messy creating these great decorations.
*      Paper bats - Cut out bat shapes from black construction paper and hang from the ceiling or even ceiling fan with dental floss. When you turn the fan on it will give the appearance that bats are flying around the room certain to freak some people out.
*      Fake spiders - People of all ages are frightened of spiders which make these a great Halloween decoration. Go to your local dollar store and pick up a ton of these plastic, crawly, creatures and litter them around your house. 
Halloween is a fantastic holiday enjoyed by everyone both old and young. To enhance your enjoyment of the holiday I hope you enjoyed these Halloween decorating ideas.

New Moon and Twilight Halloween Party Ideas

I foresee a New Moon and then an Eclipse in your future! Twilight's New Moon is due out in theaters in November...but I bet it's going to cause a huge noise in October! The Eclipse movie is due out in 2010.
You guessed it...New Moon and Twilight Halloween party ideas are going to go through the roof this Halloween season. With all the great costume and party game ideas we can get from the Twilight Saga of course it's going to be a huge dress up costume party theme.
You can have the theme of your Halloween party be The Cullen's, The Volturi, Quileute pack members or any of the Forks residents. Have a Vampire theme Halloween costume party and invite all your friends who are Twilight fans...and even those who aren't. There are so many costume ideas you can get from Stephanie Meyer's Vampire Saga. Dress like Bella Swan going to the prom, or like Alice Cullen at Bella's High School graduation party.
There's also James, Laurent and Victoria to get some fun Halloween costume ideas from. You can be Jane of the Volturi and your boyfriend can be Alex or Caius. Your more inventive car loving friends can come in car costumes. They can get some inspiration from Bella's red truck, Edward's Volvo or even Rosalie's red BMW M3 convertible. Cars can be made out of cardboard boxes and homemade box costumes are not that hard to make.
You can have a make up counter set up and let some of your talented friends become Vampire makeup artists. That will be a great time to take some photographs. Imagine how much fun it will be taking these pics. And they will make for some great photos! Pale shades of makeup, purple eye shadow, shimmery make up will be great accessories at your Vampire make up center. You can also add a little red cake decorating gel in case anyone wants to look like they've just had a little snack.
Make sure to play the movie soundtrack at your party. A little Muse, Linkin Park, Paramore and don't forget Rob Pattinson to get everyone into the Zone. Put out your books with their distinctive colors and hang up some posters of your favorite characters, whether it's Bella, Edward, Jacob or Alice, it will look festive. Twinkle lights and lots of black and red party ware will help you bring the feel of the novels to your party.
You can find and print out some bookmarks to give each of your guests. You can find these bookmarks with pictures of Kristin Stewart, Rob Pattinson, Ashley Greene and of course,Taylor Lautner, online and they're free. They would be just perfect as a party Thank You gift!
Candy Apples would make a great Twilight party favor idea for your Halloween bash, or just have them out as a party treat. Red Punch looks like something Vampires would drink. It is easy to make a batch with some ginger ale and cranberry juice. Put some raisins in your ice cube trays to add a little Halloween fun with your drinks. It will look like a bug in each ice cube. You can also get a rubber glove (make sure it's the non-allergic type) fill it with water and seal the top. Set it upright in the freezer so the water doesn't leak out. When it's frozen, take it out of the glove and you will have an Ice Hand to float in your punch bowl. All your party guests will get a good laugh over that.
Serve easy party food. You can order pizza, it's a great party food idea. It's easy to serve and to eat. Everyone loves Pizza! Have some bowls of salsa and chips, and of course, you will need some cake or cupcakes for dessert. Put an image of Bella and Edward, or the entire Twilight cast right on top of your cake or cupcakes. I'll tell you how in the resource box at the end of this article! It's easy to decorate your own party cake or cupcakes. And it's cheaper to make your own party cake, rather than order one from the bakery.
You can also use your dessert, cupcakes, as a party activity for your friends. Let them design their own Twilight cupcake. You provide the cupcakes and the decorations for them and let your friends use their imaginations to decorate their own. Have a Twilight Cupcake Decorating Contest and give the winner a "Golden Onion" or a shiny "Red Apple" as a game prize.
If you include the Werewolves in your party invitations you could always have a Werewolf Howling Contest. Why not see if some of the Vampires can't give the Quileute Pack some competition in the Wolf howling category.
Twilight Trivia or Jeopardy is a must at this Halloween party based on the Vampire Human love story. Get all your friends to think of the most difficult trivia question they know, before the party. Use their questions during your game...let's see how hard they are to answer! Make sure you have a second Golden Onion to give out as a trivia game prize!
If you can think of any party ideas to add to mine, let me know. I'm always looking for more Twilight Halloween party ideas and I am sure plenty of other Stephanie Meyer fans are looking for them too. Why not share your good party ideas with the rest of us!

Scary Halloween Decorations For An Exhilarating Fright Night

Who wouldn't anticipate this time of the year? Halloween season is the perfect time to hold spooky costume parties! Of course, adults and kids are both looking forward to wear their creative and unique costumes and revamp the house with scary Halloween decorations. Make your imagination run wild because the more creepy, unique and surprising your ideas are, the better!

Halloween party is not complete without great party decors because only these can set the right mood. There are wide varieties of ghoulish Halloween decorations you can use to heighten the eerie charm of the party venue. Dig out the spine chilling, deep rooted fright from your guests with these super scary Halloween decoration ideas:

Indoor Halloween Party Themes

Witch House Decorations

Transform a room, house, banquet hall or any indoor Halloween venue into a frightening witch home! Have life-size witch doll on a broom suspended in the air. Showcase a full size witch doll sitting on a chair or standing at the different areas of the house. Display witch potions, candles, skulls or other eerie witch bits and pieces as if used for doing rituals.

Haunted House Decorations

Bring the haunted house spooky atmosphere into your own house! Decorate the interiors of the party venue with ground and wall coverings and nettings to disguise the whole area. Set up a dim lighting and consider lighting some candles, skulls or bones and spider webs. Gore props, animatronics and ghost illusions also create a spine chilling mood.

Spider Webs and Spiders

Spider webs designed artistically are the classic decorations every Halloween. But what's great about spider webs is that they readily transform the venue into a scary nook. Oversize spider webs with black, hairy and authentic looking spiders can definitely give goose bumps. You can also have glow-in-the-dark spider webs on the murky areas of the house but make sure not to overdo it and keep the spider webs authentic-looking.

Lighting and Sound Effects

Screams and scary giggles or laughter are the most popular sound effects to boost the eeriness of the atmosphere. Archetypal orchestra music works great with a haunted house theme venue. Since a bright lighting is not at all fitting to Halloween parties and you can't party in pitch black, a dim and animated lighting is just perfect.

There are varieties of ways to capture that frightening mood with lighting effects. Halloween lights, LED lights, skulls and skeleton lighting and the classic candle lighting are all wonderful options to transform your house into a realistic, fear-provoking party venue.

Setting up the Halloween mood during costume parties or trick-and-treating is not difficult as long as you don't limit your ideas to the traditional party decors. There are tons of inspired and fresh Halloween decors out there! You can use the technology in carrying out cool lighting and sound effects.

Bedazzle your guests with realistic, scary Halloween decorations by really thinking on the concept and stick to it. Prepare your budget so you won't end up with a poorly decorated Halloween set.

As you can see, there are loads of scary Halloween Decorations to choose from to make your home the envy of your neighborhood. Don't miss out on what's hot by visiting my favorite spooky decoration website at

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